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SOOTHSAYER – Echoes of the Earth Album Artwork T-shirt (Front and Back Print)


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This is a brilliant print with the hand-painted album artwork on the front with the words written in bold on the back. The colour scheme looks exceptional and only a few of these will be made. We use 100% cotton for our merch which is softer and thicker than normal too.


Irish doom/sludge band Soothsayer released a gem of an EP a few years back but nothing could’ve prepared us for this powerful, monolithic album which happens to be their debut full length. Somehow they have retained the emotionally-charged atmosphere while adding next level intensity to their music. It is now pulsating with raw, irrepressible energy which is almost bursting through the music, echoed by a truly harrowing performance by the vocalist. The sentiments of frustration, rage and despair come through because of the systematic and apathetic destruction of nature, and it has had enough and is now lashing back at all of us. This album captures this feeling perfectly using an organic sound, eschewing the use of paint brushes to create the artwork with fallen leaves, and most importantly, channeling the chaos surrounding us all into pure sonic catharsis in a manner that this genre can barely contain.This is one of the most emotive and turbulent albums in the realm of doom/sludge metal while being consistently plaintive, angry and evocative at the same time.

Line up –
Líam Hughes – Voices, Soundscapes
Con Doyle – Guitars, Voices
Marc O’Grady – Guitars
Pavol Rosa – Bass
Sean Breen – Drums

Additional chanting on “Outer Fringe” by Pavol Rosa and Sean Breen.
Additional lyrics on “War Of The Doves” written by Eugene Robinson (OXBOW).
Additional vocals on “War Of The Doves” by Eugene Robinson (OXBOW).
Additional vocals on “Six Of Nothing” by Paul Catten (MEDULE NOCTE, MURDER ONE).
Additional chanting on “Six Of Nothing” by Ralf Garcia (REQUIEM, WOLF COUNSEL).
Additional vocals on True North by Dave Ingram (BENEDICTION, HELLFROST & FIRE).

Echoes Of The Earth was recorded in the Spring of 2019 at Kitten Lane Studios in the city of Cork, Ireland.
Engineered by Aidan O’Mahony.
Produced by Pavol Rosa.
Mastered at Tower Studios by Brett Caldas-Lima.
Logo and Graphics by Marc O’Grady.
Artwork and Lyrics by Líam Hughes.

Release  Date – 4th April 2021

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Soothsayer – Echoes of the Earth


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