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SONG PREMIERE: Persian black metal band Zurvan

Rabid, hateful, with a penchant for nihilism — that’s how we’d describe Persian black metal duo Zurvan. With their second full-length album, entitled “Gorge of Blood,” creeping closer toward its June 28th release via Satanath Records, we’re pleased to reinforce their bleak outlook on life with a brand new song premiere. It’s called Filthy Calendar of the Time, and it’s an abusive slab of black metal that hits like a rusty steel shovel. Listen up — this one’s gonna bury you.

Persian black metal duo Zurvan.

Zurvan rips from the crypt with a fiery expulsion of thrashy, blackened riffing and red-hot leads. Things pick up quickly — a quarter-note downbeat over a flurry of 32nd double bass notes carries the track forward into a spiraling, blackened abyss. Around the halfway mark, the drums slow to a 6/8 time signature, the rhythm guitar activates its clean channel, and a frenzied solo rises up like a smoldering effigy, a permanent scornful look sewn onto its face that etches itself in your mind through the remainder of the song.

Filthy Calendar of the Time is simple songwriting at its best — vicious verse, caustic chorus, and a sufferingly bleak bridge section/outro. The vocals are potent, yet not overly present — Zurvan is content to let their instruments do the talking, and like any solid nihilistic black metal act, the conversation turns violent fast. The good news is you only have to wait a few more days until you’ve got the whole album, so try to hold out until then, okay?

“Gorge of Blood” releases June 28th via Satanath Records.

Zurvan | Satanath Records | Pre-Order

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