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SONG PREMIERE: Belarusian black/death band Ljosazabojstwa

Ljosazabojstwa’s aggressive take on black/death metal turned heads in late 2015 with a rip-roaring three-track demo. Now, with new EP “Sychodžańnie” in the chamber and ready to fire on June 30th via Hellthrasher Productions, it’s clear these Belarusian brawlers will take no prisoners. Take a listen to our premiere of the second track off “Sychodžańnie,” entitled Zhuba.

Album art for Ljosazabojstwa's upcoming EP, Sychodžańnie.

The midtempo intro/verse alone is enough to get anyone’s noggin nodding in rhythmic fashion, but it’s the following bridge section that shows how capable Ljosazabojstwa has become at shifting genres in such a short time. The sound of a funeral knell halts the assault of the guitars, slowing them down into a trudge with grinding bass and doom-y hammer-ons. The accompaniment of transcendent organs suggest you’re plodding toward a fate that’s at once terrible, majestic, and inevitable, before breaking away with speedy thrash riffing and blackened heaviness. Ljosazabojstwa switches gears into a 6/4 rhythm, followed up by a less-intense (though no-less powerful) slower beat reminiscent of the intro — then it’s back to neck-breaking brutality before a punchy end.

Ljosazabojstwa is able to cram oodles of metal goodness into their songs without making them feel overstuffed. Although not much is known about them as a band, Zhuba proves they have the energy and aggression to be a formidable black/death act to watch this year.

“Sychodžańnie” releases June 30th via Hellthrasher Productions. Read our past interview with Ljosazabojstwa here.

LjosazabojstwaHellthrasher Productions

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